Uncovering mold issues, asbestos issues, moisture issues and more.

Property Condition Evaluation Philadelphia PACOMMERCIAL BUILDING INSPECTION

The owner of property is using collateral value inherent in a piece of real estate to obtain a mortgage.  The lender involved in the transaction wants to lend the maximum amount to the borrower but only up to the value of the property.  Market value, curb appeal, marketing effort and reconstruction costs are the traditional factors considered when evaluating a property.  Today’s lenders want protection from two additional areas; environmental risk and deferred maintenance risk.  GAC Associates provides the lender, as well as the borrower, a property condition report that gives an independent assessment of the condition of the property, the estimated remaining life of major capital components, as well as the maintenance reserves when called for by the lender.  The goal is to get all parties in the transaction comfortable with the collateral value of the property that can support the requested loan value.


GAC Associates has the team to deliver quality assessments and inspections for your individual needs. To learn how GAC Associates can help you with your commercial property inspection and assessments, drop us an e-mail or give us a call.

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